Texas A&M Forest Service Produces Forest and Drinking Water Videos

Texas A&M Forest Service Produces Forest and Drinking Water Videos

Texas A&M Forest Service, with support from US Forest Service, Southern Group of State Foresters, and Southeastern Partnership for Forests and Water, produced seven videos that demonstrate the important forest and drinking water connection.  The purpose of the videos is to educate a wide audience (including utilities, forestry professionals, land conservation professionals, and the public) about the vital role forests play in protecting sources of drinking water, as well as the critical work utilities and forest landowners do to ensure safe, reliable drinking water and healthy forest landscapes. Forests are the first line of defense in ensuring a safe and reliable source of drinking water.  Featured in these videos are individuals dedicated to keeping forests as forests and properly managing them to protect the nation’s water supply.

Each of the short videos highlight the importance of being good stewards of our lands and educates the viewers on different topic areas including:

  • Forest hydrology
  • Source water protection
  • Forest conservation and stewardship
  • Drinking water treatment and watershed management
  • Utility – landowner collaborations
  • Natural infrastructure
  • Innovation and partnerships.

These videos are meant to be shared!  We encourage viewers to post them on their websites, social media, and television.  Help make the drinking water and forest connection by introducing them at conferences, webinars, and trainings.  And, it’s never too early to start educating the next generation of land stewards.  By using them in schools and at community events you may inspire or recruit future forestry and drinking champions and professionals.

The Southeastern Partnership for Forests and Water ensures healthy Southeastern forested watersheds that provide safe, reliable drinking water through strong partnerships, collaboration, funding, and action.

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